Θρίλερ στην ζωή για τον μόλις 38 ετών ηθοποιό που βρέθηκε νεκρός σε ξενοδοχείο - Τον αναζητούσε η φίλη του, έσπασαν την πόρτα του δωματίου

Διέμενε σε ξενοδοχείο στην Βιρτζίνια, όπου είχε μεταβεί για τις ανάγκες ενός νέο ρόλου... 

Ο ηθοποιός Bert Belasco, ο οποίος πρωταγωνίστησε ως ο εργολάβος Charles Whitmore στην κωμική σειρά Let's Stay Together, πέθανε σε ηλικία μόλις 38 ετών.

Σύμφωνα με τον πατέρα του, ο Belasco πέθανε την Κυριακή λόγω ανευρύσματος, ενώ βρισκόταν σε ξενοδοχείο στη Βιρτζίνια, σύμφωνα με το TMZ.


Yesterday, we received heartbreaking news. Our dear friend @bertbelasco8 suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. He was taken too soon. He still had so much more to give to the world. ▫️ Bert was the type of friend who would literally drop everything to help you. He never forgot a holiday, birthday, or important day. He always called instead of texting. My conversations with Bert were always on such a deeper level. A text simply wouldn't suffice. ▫️ He was the most positive person I have ever met. No matter what was happening in his life, he remained positive...even if he didn't want to! ▫️ Last night I went to his Instagram and was drawn to one of his posts about Faith. Bert wasn't a man of organized religion but of deep, deep faith in the unknown. His post says, "Faith...it does not make things easy, it makes them possible." He wrote below this picture, "It's funny how often I have to say this to myself. So true". He was a man of faith in that things will work out the way they are supposed to. Keep working hard, loving, supporting, and understanding your fellow human neighbors and it will all work out. ▫️ He really filled a part of my heart that went dark when my Mom passed. He filled the gap on holidays, birthdays, and just every time I needed him. Every voicemail from him is so warm and loving. ▫️ As my wonderful friend @mrs.technoviking put it, he had more faith in his friends than they would about themselves. He saw that bright shining light in all of us. He never gave up. He always had a smile on his face. He loved fiercely. He had the goofiest side to him with people he was close with. He knew how to say just the right thing when all hope seemingly was lost. ▫️ I literally can't believe you're gone, Bert. The world truly lost such a special soul. My only comfort is in knowing he's with his Momma now. I love you forever Bert. Thank you for being family to Rico, Leo, and I. We miss you terribly. We love you with all of our hearts. ▫️ Life is too short. Love harder. Forgive faster. Move on quicker. If you have your HEALTH and/or LOVE you are much richer than you think. ▫️ I love you all. ▫️ Rest in Power, beautiful friend

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Nurse Cher | BSN, RN (@healthfitnessrn) στις

Ήταν στην πόλη για να δουλέψει στα γυρίσματα μιας ταινίας. Όταν η οικογένεια και η κοπέλα του δεν μπορούσαν να τον βρουν ανησύχησαν και  κάλεσαν το ξενοδοχείο στο οποίο διέμενε. 


??? Completely gutted to learn of my dear friend Bert’s sudden passing. He passed away while quarantining before shooting a movie. He just had a birthday and was so grateful. We met 17 years ago and was one of the most positive and hard working people I have ever known. He knew his purpose without question and knew without a doubt he was going to be the next Denzel. His vision for his life was laser sharp and so inspiring. Whenever I was having a hard time he’d be on the phone with me for hours reminding me of how worthy and talented I am and how much I have to offer the world. He’d always say “Baby, I always knew you were something special after that first time I saw you act. You will be so successful I just know it!” We would go get pizza at Enzo’s, his favorite place, and laugh and reminisce and talk acting and life and he’d get on a soap box and say, “You deserve everything! Don’t let anyone try to make you think anything else! The universe will take care of you, don’t try to outsmart it.” And on and on and on he’d go. He ranted from his heart and I will miss those rants so much. His support was unwavering and he always saw the light in me when I couldn’t see it in myself. A bright soul taken too soon, I am beyond words with how much our friendship has kept me pushing forward in this forbidding industry. Rest In Peace my dear Bert. You were so loved by so so so many. ??❤️ #rip #bertbelasco #fuck2020

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ingrid Gillming (@ingridgillming) στις


I’m sorry to hear about the passing of #BertBelasco my condolences and prayers to his family and friends ???

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TG (@tiph_and_ace) στις

Το προσωπικό του ξενοδοχείου ήρθε σε επαφή με την αστυνομία η οποία έσπασε την πόρτα του δωματίου του και τον βρήκε νεκρό αναφέρει η Daily Mail.


The world lost an incredible man this weekend as God took his angel Bert Belasco @bertbelasco8 home to Rest. At only 38 years young this was heartbreaking and a shock to all, as anyone who had the privilege of knowing him felt his infectious energy and unending kindness. But sadly #ForProphet will be his final film performace. I am honored and humbled to have directed this undeniable talent although I wish it was our first film together and not our only. Over the last 18 months we developed a strong collaborative bond and had already planned several projects together. I was even in the process of writing a role specifically for him in what I hope to be the next #MSIfilms movie. Prayers to his family, his friends, his girlfriend and to his longtime friend & collaborator @enricofilmmaker who I will forever be indebted to for bringing #BertBelasco onto #ForProphetfilm and raising this movie to new heights because of it. Bert helped rewrite his final monologue, he helped improve his biggest and most emotional scene and he brought a spiritual weight to the set that everyone felt. He wasn't afriad to profess his strong #faith in #God and was one of the people I felt most comfortable with discussing Spirit. I now have the noble task of making sure his fantastic performace as "DJ Kenny Randy" gets out to the world far and wide. We will be dedicating the film to Bert's memory... May Flights of Angels Lead Thee to Thy Rest, Bert ???? #RIP #restinpower #BET #letsstaytogether #actor #faithfilm #faithbasedfilm #independentfilm #bert #belasco #restinpeace #prayers #MSI #bts #indiefilm

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Mark §tewart Iverson (M§I) (@msifilms) στις

Ο Belasco είχε συμμετάσχει σε αρκετές σειρές όπως το Pitch, το Justified (2010), αλλά και στην ταινία World Thumbwrestling Federation (2017). 

Ο πατέρας τόνισε πως το ανέυρυσμα που υπέστη ήταν πολύ μεγάλο, όμως η οικογένεια αναμένει και την ιατροδικαστική εξέταση. 


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