20χρονη ήταν babysitter σε 13χρονο & την άφησε έγκυο – Γέννησε το μωρό τους αλλά μπήκε φυλακή (φωτό)

Η κοπέλα ισχυρίστηκε πως ο 13χρονος τη βίασε.... 

Σε φυλάκιση 30 μηνών καταδικάστηκε η Λία Κορντίς, μια μπεϊμπισίτερ που έμεινε έγκυος από το 13χρονο αγόρι το οποίο κοιτούσε. 

Τον Ιανουάριο του 2017 αφού είχε γυρίσει από νυχτερινή έξοδο και αφού είχε κατανάλωσει μεγάλες ποσότητες αλκοόλ, αποπλάνησε το ανήλικο αγόρι κατεβάζοντας τα παντελόνια του απαιτώντας να κοιμηθούν μαζί. 



Married Nursery Worker Who Had A Baby With 13-Year-Old Boy Jailed For 30 Months The married female nursey worker who had sex with a 13-year-old boy and gave birth to his child has now been jailed for 30 months. 20 year old Leah Cordice, from Windsor, Berkshire, who started sleeping with the boy when she was 17 at that time had initially denied the sexual activity and claimed that the teenager raped her, a false claim which a jury at Reading Crown Court rejected and she was convicted of having sex with her victim on at least five occasions. She reportedly denied that the victim was the father of her child but was forced to take a DNA test which showed,’ with a probability of 14 million times more likely than not, that the 13-year-old boy was the father.’ Cordice had been living with her husband, an apprentice mechanic who had believed he was the father and had been bringing up the little girl as his own child. The Judge in charge sentenced Cordice to 30 months detention in a Young Offenders’ Institution and said she would be subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years. She will also have to sign into the Sex Offenders Register. Read more @ www.nnxblog.com . . . #nurseryworker #leahcordice #windsor #nnxblog #nnxofficial

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη NNXOfficial (@nnxofficial) στις


Η σχετική καταγγελία έγινε από το μικρό αγόρι τον Ιούλιο του 2018, ωστόσο η Κόρντις αρνήθηκε τις κατηγορίες και υποστήριξε πως το αγόρι την είχε βιάσει αναφέρει η The Sun.



MARRIED NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER LEAH CORDICE, 20, IS GUILTY OF GROOMING A 13-YEAR-OLD BOY FOR SEX AND HAVING HIS BABY AND THEN CLAIMING RAPE Babysitter Leah Cordice, 20, who claimed she was raped by a 13-year-old boy after having his baby, has been found guilty of sexually abusing him multiple times at his home. She denied five charges of sexual activity with a child, claiming the boy had raped her but the jury at Reading Crown Court rejected her story as lies, finding her guilty. She was cleared of two charges. The boy said Cordice, of Windsor, first had sex with him in January 2017 when she was 17. He said they did not use protection and that the sex had continued after she turned 18. After his mother contacted social services the boy was proven to be the father of her baby. Cordice, a married nursery school teacher, had sex with the boy while babysitting him on numerous occasions at his home between 2017 and 2018. The court heard she sent him Whatsapp messages saying "I love you" but claimed he had raped her when she was 17. During her trial the jury was told Cordice plied the victim with fish and chips and treats to prevent him from revealing the abuse and first had sex with him by pulling down his trousers as he played video games. Cordice is due to be sentenced at a later date. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram #globalnetpictures #LeahCordice #sexualabuse #childabuse #guilty #sexualactivitywithachild #ReadingCrownCourt

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη GlobalNet Pictures (@globalnetpictures.co.uk) στις


Ανάμεσα στις καταθέσεις κατά τη διάρκεια της δίκης ακούστηκε ότι η Κόρντις έστελνε μηνύματα στο νεαρό παιδί, αλλά του έδινε και χρήματα για να αγοράσει πράγματα που επέλεγε.

Το μωρό που γέννησε υποβλήθηκε σε τεστ DNA και, όπως αναφέρθηκε στο δικαστήριο, διαπιστώθηκε πως το μωρό ήταν του 13χρονου. 

Nα σημειωθεί πως η 20χρονη ήταν παντρεμένη και ο σύζυγός της, Ντανιέλ Ρόμπινς, πίστεψε αρχικά πως το παιδί ήταν δικό του. Αργότερα υπέβαλε αίτηση διαζυγίου. 

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